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Publish in Across the Disciplines

The mission of Across the Disciplines is to provide information for— and an opportunity for interaction among—scholars interested in writing and speaking across the curriculum (CAC). We welcome contributions of the following kinds:

Review Procedures

All contributions will be reviewed by our editorial board and signed reviews will be provided to contributors. The identity and affiliation of contributors will be concealed from reviewers to the extent the "manuscript" is created to conceal identity and affiliation. Contributions will be reviewed using the following procedures:

Articles: Will be reviewed by at least two members of the editorial board. Reviewers will provide comments on the article and will recommend (1) acceptance, (2) acceptance with specified revisions, (3) revision and resubmission, or (4) rejection. Decisions to accept or reject an article will be based on the quality of the article and its relevance to CAC, WAC, and writing theory, practice, and/or research. Most articles published in ATD range from 9,000 - 12,000 words, or approximately 25-35 manuscript pages, not including references.

Charges/Fees: Across the Disciplines does not charge any fees for article processing or for article submissions.

Reviews: Unsolicited reviews will be reviewed by the Reviews Editor and one other member of the editorial board. Reviewers will provide comments on the review and will recommend (1) acceptance, (2) acceptance with specified revisions, (3) revision and resubmission, or (4) rejection. Decisions to accept or reject a review will be based on the quality of the review and the relevance to CAC, WAC, and writing theory, practice, and/or research of the publication being reviewed.

ATD seeks book reviews and review essays that set new works within a larger critical context. Reviews should range between 1200 and 2000 words. Review essays may be longer and may engage multiple texts.

Authors are encouraged to ground the texts they review within ongoing conversations of interest ATD readers, WAC/WID researchers, and writing studies scholars, drawing on published literature to establish the scope and nature of that ongoing conversation. We encourage authors to be selective rather than exhaustive in this work, sketching the stakes and dominant moves of the arguments central to this conversation. (Summary of the reviewed text should be grounded in this larger, ongoing conversation over simple summary.)

Reviewers are encouraged to provide a clear statement of how the reviewed text takes up, defines, extends, counters, or reframes elements of this ongoing conversation for those who do work within WAC/WID contexts. Who would benefit from reading the text and how might the text be used in pedagogical, conceptual, methodological and/or programmatic projects?

The ATD reader is knowledgeable in the field, its discourses and terminologies, and is not only deeply engaged in WAC/WID work (program administration, professional development, and pedagogy), but also a mentor to others outside the field. A secondary readership of non-specialist scholars may also be engaged. Reviewers are encouraged to avoid jargon, but should engage with the key terms and concepts in circulation in the text and the field.

Creative Commons BY-NC-ND

Across the Disciplines is a fully open access journal with all articles available on the Internet to all users immediately upon publication. Articles are published under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs). Non-commercial use and distribution in any medium is permitted, provided the original article is not modified and the author and the journal are properly credited. Authors retain copyrights to all articles published in Across the Disciplines though we ask that the journal be credited as the original site for publication when reprinting.

CC License BY-NC-ND

Submission Procedures

Please send submissions to ATD to Michael Pemberton, Editor, at:

  • U.S. Mail: Across the disciplines
  • C/O Dr. Michael Pemberton
  • Department of Writing and Linguistics
  • Georgia Southern University
  • P.O. Box 8026
  • Statesboro, GA 30460

Contributions may be in linear or hypertext format. Please make submissions in electronic form, either as an email attachment, a URL or FTP address. If necessary, please mail a disk containing the document to the mailing address listed above. Contributions may take the form of Web documents in HTML format or Flash or digital manuscripts (Microsoft Word preferred). Although we prefer that contributions submitted in HTML or Flash format be coded by the authors, we will provide support to authors who are not proficient in coding such documents. Authors should make sure to include their names, email addresses, and telephone numbers and the title of their contribution in their email message.


When citing sources, contributions should conform to the guidelines presented in the most recent edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). Contributors are encouraged to depart from APA style in one respect: please provide first names instead of initials for the authors of cited sources.