Genre in a Changing World

edited by Charles Bazerman, Adair Bonini, and Débora Figueiredo
Designed and copy edited by David Doran

CoverGenre studies and genre approaches to literacy instruction continue to develop in many regions and from a widening variety of approaches. Genre has provided a key to understanding the varying literacy cultures of regions, disciplines, professions and educational settings. Genre in a Changing World provides a wide-ranging sampler of the remarkable variety of current work. The twenty-four chapters in this volume, reflecting the work of scholars in Europe, Australasia, North and South America, were selected from more than 400 presentations at SIGET IV (the Fourth International Symposium on Genre Studies), held on the campus of UNISUL in Tubarão, Santa Catarina, Brazil in August 2007—the largest gathering on genre to that date. The chapters also represent a wide variety of approaches including rhetoric, Systemic Functional Linguistics, media and critical cultural studies, sociology, phenomenology, enunciation theory, the Geneva school of educational sequences, cognitive psychology, relevance theory, sociocultural psychology, activity theory, Gestalt psychology, and schema theory. Sections are devoted to theoretical issues, studies of genres in the professions, studies of genre and media, teaching and learning genre, and writing across the curriculum. The broad selection of material in this volume displays the full range of contemporary genre studies and sets the ground for a next generation of work.

Publication Information: Bazerman, Charles, Bonini, Adair, and Figueiredo, Débora (Eds.). (2009). Genre in a Changing World. Perspectives on Writing. Fort Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press. Available at

Publication Date: August 7, 2009

Contact Information:
Charles Bazerman's Home Page:
Charles Bazerman's Email:


Special Issues from the SIGET V Conference

The Clearinghouse offers access to special issues of three journals—Revista Brasileira de Linguistica Aplicada, Linguagem em (Dis)Curso, and Revista Signos—that published articles emerging from the 2009 International Symposium on Text Genre Studies - SIGET V. View the Special Issues ...

Table of Contents

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Front Matter

Introduction, Charles Bazerman, Adair Bonini, and Débora Figueiredo

Advances in Genre Theories

Worlds of Genre - Metaphors of Genre, John M. Swales

From Speech Genres to Mediated Multimodal Genre Systems: Bakhtin, Voloshinov, and the Question of Writing, Paul Prior

To Describe Genres: Problems and Strategies, Maria Antónia Coutinho and Florencia Miranda

Relevance and Genre: Theoretical and Conceptual Interfaces, Fábio José Rauen

Genre and the Professions

Accusation and Defense: The Ideational Metafunction of Language in the Genre Closing Argument, Cristiane Fuzer and Nina Célia Barros

The Sociohistorical Constitution of the Genre Legal Booklet: A Critical Approach, Leonardo Mozdzenski

Uptake and the Biomedical Subject, Kimberly K. Emmons

Stories of Becoming: A Study of Novice Engineers Learning Genres of Their Profession, Natasha Artemeva

The Dissertation as Multi-Genre: Many Readers, Many Readings, Anthony Paré, Doreen Starke-Meyerring, and Lynn McAlpine

Genre and Media

The Distinction Between News and Reportage in the Brazilian Journalistic Context: A Matter of Degree, Adair Bonini

The Organization and Functions of the Press Dossier: The Case of Media Discourse on the Environment in Portugal, Rui Ramos

Multi-semiotic Communication in an Australian Broadsheet: A New News Story Genre, Helen Caple

Narrative and Identity Formation: An Analysis of Media Personal Accounts from Patients of Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, Débora de Carvalho Figueiredo

Genre in Teaching and Learning

Genre and Cognitive Development: Beyond Writing to Learn, Charles Bazerman

Bakhtin Circle's Speech Genres Theory: Tools for a Transdisciplinary Analysis of Utterances in Didactic Practices, Roxane Helena Rodrigues Rojo

The Role of Context in Academic Text Production and Writing Pedagogy, Désirée Motta-Roth

Teaching Critical Genre Awareness, Amy Devitt

Curricular Proposal of Santa Catarina State: Assessing the Route, Opening Paths, Maria Marta Furlanetto

Intertextual Analysis of Finnish EFL Textbooks: Genre Embedding as Recontextualization, Salla Lähdesmäki

Genre in Writing Across the Curriculum

Exploring Notions of Genre in "Academic Literacies" and "Writing Across the Curriculum": Approaches Across Countries and Contexts , David R. Russell, Mary Lea Jan Parker, Brian Street, and Tiane Donahue

Genre and Disciplinary Work in French Didactics Research, Tiane Donahue

Negotiating Genre: Lecturer's Awareness in Genre Across the Curriculum Project at the University Level, Estela Inés Moyano

The Development of a Genre-Based Writing Course for Graduate Students in Two Fields, Solange Aranha

Written Genres in University Studies: Evidence from an Academic Corpus of Spanish in Four Disciplines, Giovanni Parodi

Author Affiliations

Perspectives on Writing

Series Editor: Susan H. McLeod, University of California, Santa Barbara

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