WAC for the New Millennium: Strategies for Continuing Writing-Across-the-Curriculum Programs

Edited by Susan H. McLeod, Eric Miraglia, Margot Soven, and Christopher Thaiss
Digitized by the Colorado State University Libraries

CoverThe writing-across-the-curriculum (WAC) movement, now more than 25 years old, has remained a stable part of the educational landscape, outlasting other educational innovations by adapting to new educational initiatives. This collection of essays describes how WAC programs have adapted and continue to adapt to meet new challenges. Respected WAC advocates and coeditors Susan McLeod, Eric Miraglia, Margot Soven, and Christopher Thaiss, along with other leading WAC educators including William Condon, David A. Jolliffe, Victor Villanueva, and David R. Russell, explain strategies for continuing WAC programs in an atmosphere of change; explore new avenues of collaboration, such as service learning and the linked-course curricula of learning communities; predict areas into which WAC programs need to move; and suggest new directions for research on writing across the curriculum. With a foreword by Elaine P. Maimon, this book celebrates WAC's achievements by highlighting the promise of its future.

Publication Information:McLeod, Susan H., Miraglia, Eric, Soven, Margot, and Thaiss, Christopher (Eds.). (2001). WAC for the New Millennium: Strategies for Continuing Writing Across the Curriculum Programs. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English. Available at https://wac.colostate.edu/books/millenium/

Publication Date: March 15, 2011

Contact Information:
Susan H. McLeod: mcleod@writing.ucsb.edu


Books in this series are presented on the WAC Clearinghouse courtesy of the National Council of Teachers of English. This book can be purchased in print formats from the NCTE online bookstore.

Table of Contents

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Front Matter

Foreword, Elaine P. Maimon

Writing Across the Curriculum in a Time of Change, Susan H. McLeod and Eric Miraglia

Accommodating Complexity: WAC Program Evaluation in the Age of Accountability, William Condon

WAC Wired: Electronic Communication Across the Curriculum, Donna Reiss and Art Young

Writing Across the Curriculum and Service Learning: Kairos, Genre. and Collaboration, David A. Jolliffe

Is It Still WAC? Writing within Interdisciplinary Learning Communities, Terry Myers Zawacki and Ashley Taliaferro Williams

ESL Students and WAC Programs: Varied Populations and Diverse Needs, Ann M. Johns

The Politics of Literacy Across the Curriculum, Victor Villanueva

Writing Centers and WAC, Joan A. Mullin

Curriculum-Based Peer Tutors and WAC, Margot Soven

Writing Intensive Courses and WAC, Martha A. Townsend

Where Do the Naturalistic Studies of WAC/WID Point? A Research Review, David R. Russell

Theory in WAC: Where Have We Been, Where Are We Going?, Christopher Thaiss




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