Reconnecting Reading and Writing

Edited by Alice S. Horning and Elizabeth W. Kraemer

CoverReconnecting Reading and Writing explores the ways in which reading can and should have a strong role in the teaching of writing in college. Reconnecting Reading and Writing draws on broad perspectives from history and international work to help readers understand how and why reading should be re-united with writing in college and high school classrooms. It presents an overview of relevant research on reading and how it can best be used to support and enhance writing instruction. Reconnecting Reading and Writing also examines research in such areas as basic writing, second language learning, and information literacy to integrate reading in writing classrooms, as well as the impact of the new Common Core State Standards in K-12 schools and the digital revolution on the teaching of reading and writing together. Reconnecting Reading and Writing offers practical advice on useful textbooks and appropriate classroom practices and, like other titles in the Reference Guides to Rhetoric and Composition series, includes a glossary, extensive bibliography, and index. Introduced by series editors Charles Bazerman, Mary Jo Reiff, and Anis Bawarshi, Reconnecting Reading and Writing includes contributions from editors Alice S. Horning and Elizabeth W. Kraemer and chapter authors Jennifer Coon, Erik D. Drake, Jimmy Fleming, William Grabe, Cynthia R. Haller, Allison L. Harl, David A. Jolliffe, Kathleen Skomski, and Cui Zhang.

About the Editors

Alice S. Horning is a professor in the Department of Writing and Rhetoric at Oakland University. Her research focuses on the nature of reading and writing and recent changes to literacy resulting from technological developments. Reconnecting Reading and Writing is her second volume in the Reference Guides series, following Revision (2006).

Elizabeth W. Kraemer is Associate Professor and Coordinator of Instruction in Kresge Library at Oakland University. Her articles have appeared in The Journal of Academic Librarianship, College & Research Libraries, The Reference Librarian, College & Undergraduate Libraries, Information Technology and Libraries, and College & Research Libraries News.

Table of Contents

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Front Matter

Series Editors' Preface, Charles Bazerman, Mary Jo Reiff, and Anis Bawarshi

Part I: Overview

1. Reconnecting Reading and Writing: Introduction and Overview, Alice S. Horning and Elizabeth W. Kraemer

2. A Historical and Theoretical Review of the Literature: Reading and Writing Connections, Allison L. Harl

3. How Other Nations Approach Reading and Writing, Jennifer Coon

Part II: Classrooms and Students

4. Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum: Best Practices and Practical Guidelines, Alice S. Horning

5. First Year Writers: Forward Movement, Backward Progress, Kathleen Skomski

6. Second Language Reading-Writing Relations, William Grabe and Cui Zhang

7. The Common Core Standards and Preparation for Reading and Writing in College, David A. Jolliffe

Part III: Contexts and Resources

8. Reading and Writing Connections in College Composition Textbooks: The Role of Textbook Readers, Jimmy Fleming

9. Reuniting Reading and Writing: Revisiting the Role of the Library, Cynthia R. Haller

10. Undergraduate Research and Information Literacy in the Digital Environment, Erik D. Drake


A. The Association of College and Research Libraries Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education [Excerpt]

B. Research-Based Recommendations for Effective Instruction in 21st-Century Literacies: A Policy Research Brief produced by the National Council of Teachers of English [Excerpt]

C. Conference on College Composition and Communication Position Statement on Teaching, Learning, and Assessing Writing in Digital Environments [Excerpt]

D. Writing Program Administrators’ First Year Writing Outcomes [Excerpt]

E. Common Core Standards in English Language Arts [Excerpts]

F. Other Writing Textbooks of Note




About the Editors


Reference Guides to Rhetoric and Composition

Series Editor: Charles Bazerman, University of California, Santa Barbara; Anis Bawarshi, University of Washington; and Mary Jo Reiff, University of Tennessee-Knoxville

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