Language Across the Curriculum in the Elementary Grades

By Christopher Thaiss
Digitized by the Colorado State University Libraries

CoverIn Language Across the Curriculum in the Elementary Grades, Christopher Thaiss explores the use of writing in classrooms from grades one through six. Drawing on first-hand observations of classrooms, interviews with teachers, and analysis of student work, he argues that "language across the curriculum is something that happens continuously in classrooms and in homes and on playgrounds, whether we wish it to or not, and that much learning—when we really mean learning, not just clockwatching—can't happen without it."

Publication Information:Thaiss, Christopher. (1986). Language Across the Curriculum in the Elementary Grades. Urbana, Ill: ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills and the National Council of Teachers of English. Available at

Publication Date: March 15, 2011


Books in this series are presented on the WAC Clearinghouse courtesy of the National Council of Teachers of English. This book is out of print and is presented here to support the WAC community. To view NCTE's complete catalog of available books, please visit their online book store.

Landmark Publications in Writing Studies

Series Editor: Mike Palmquist, Colorado State University

Table of Contents

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Front Matter



1. The Mind and the Word

2. Making Every Subject Language Rich

3. "You Ought to Get a Book and Do Some Research, Too": Learning through Language in Math and Science

4. Tales from the Author's Office: Language and Learning in First Grade

5. Being Normal, Being Labeled: Language and the Learning-Disabled Child

6. "If I Saw the President, He'd Probably Call My Mom": The Many Uses of Language in the Speech Therapy Class

6. Language, Language Everywhere: Learning in Grade Six

About the Author

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