WAC Graduate Student Organization

The Writing Across the Curriculum Graduate Organization (WAC-GO) seeks to increase mentoring to and support for graduate students with an interest in Writing Across the Curriculum research, program administration, or teaching. This informal organization works closely with other WAC-related entities to promote graduate student scholarship, seek out funding and support for graduate student research activities, and connect graduate students with cross-institutional research, administrative, and teaching mentors.

To join WAC-GO, email wacgo10@gmail.com with the subject “Join WAC-GO.” Include your name, standing, and institution. 

Read more about the organization in our constitution and bylaws, and follow us on Facebook (@WACGO) and Twitter (@WAC__GO)!

News & Announcements

12/7/17: 4C18 Registration is open! Student registration is $45! 

10/14/17: 4C18 Travel Scholarship & Grants due November 6, 2017

                 Visit Asao Inoue’s blog for more updates on the conference and the Task Force for Social Justice and Activism initiatives 

9/5/17: IWAC 2018 Scholarship Applications due October 31, 2017

9/2/17: Welcome Letter, Fall 2017

Research Support Hub

A Quick-Guide to Research Questions & Methods in WAC Scholarship

This document breaks down the research questions, methods, analysis, and conclusion of five different WAC studies between 2011 and 2016. This quick-guide is meant to provide an overview of the kinds of questions you might ask as a WAC researcher, what kinds of methods answer those questions, and what kind of conclusions can be drawn based on the data analysis. 

Webinar: “Quantitative Design in WAC Studies” 

Doing quantitative research requires knocking down cliches, inaccuracies, and misunderstandings about using numbers to understand writing. Simply put, quantitative research sets up a specific kind of argument and answers specific kinds of questions that cannot necessarily be answered with qualitative methods. 

The purpose of this webinar is to discuss and analyze what kinds of research questions in WAC can be answered most effectively with quantitative designs. As a result, this webinar should give ideas on how to set up and where to find resources for new quantitative studies in WAC, composition, and writing studies generally.

Watch the screencast of this webinar in the two videos below, or you can access the slides here

Professionalization Corner

New to WAC Studies (Coming Soon) 

Are you relatively new to WAC Studies? Are you unsure of what it’s really about? What do WAC scholars do? What do WAC administrators do? What’s the difference between WAC and WID? What are the major journals in the field? You can find all these answers and more in this info-doc!

From Our Advisory Board: “Advice on Writing Your IWAC Proposal” 

In this document, our advisory board members discuss their insider knowledge of what they aim to write or what they look for in IWAC conference proposals. For example, some of this advice includes making sure your contribution moves beyond your own campus, emphasizing what the audience will take away from your presentation, and ensuring your title is both accurate and interesting! 

WAC-GO Newsletter Archives

December 2017

October 2017

April 2017

February 2017

October 2016

The Cross-Institutional Mentoring Project

The Cross-Institutional Mentoring Program pairs graduate students interested in WAC/WID work with established scholar-practitioners within WAC Studies at different universities. This program is especially meant to provide one-on-one mentorship to graduate students who do not have access to WAC mentors, WAC coursework, or WAC opportunities in their graduate programs.

Participants in this program define and develop their mentoring relationships by setting their own goals, expectations, and activities over two semesters (Fall and Spring). Some of these activities might include: video chatting regularly, sharing drafts of recent work, emailing regularly, collaborating on projects, or socializing at conferences. 

WAC-GO is currently in its pilot year of this program, supporting 4 mentor-mentee pairs for Fall 2017-Spring 2018. If you are interested in becoming a mentor or mentee in this program, keep an eye out for our call next August 2018. 

Program Listings

We are currently compiling a list of university programs that offer graduate coursework in WAC/WID and/or offer graduate administrative opportunities in WAC/WID.

This is an all-hands-on-deck project! If you are interested in uncovering and exploring the WAC/WID opportunities for graduate students at universities in your area or across the country, contact wacgo10@gmail.com!  

Leadership & Advisory Board

Executive Committee 2017-2018

Advisory Board
