Email Discussion Lists

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Welcome to the WAC Clearinghouse Email Discussion Lists page. If you are a member of the WAC Clearinghouse, you can add lists to this page. Members must login to add lists.

ATTW-L: Association of Teachers of Technical Writing

Description: ATTW-L allows you to communicate through email with other members of the association. You can post job vacancies at your school, announce professional meetings, issue calls for papers, ask for assistance in locating pertinent research on a topic, survey the membership, exchange ideas for teaching, and discuss academic and professional issues.
Subscription Information: To subscribe, send an email message to Leave the subject line blank, and type the following message: subscribe ATTW-L firstname lastname (firstname is *your* first name and lastname is *your* last name).">To subscribe to ATTW-L by email, send a message to Leave the subject line blank, and type the following message: subscribe ATTW-L firstname lastname (firstname is *your* first name and lastname is *your* last name)..

WAC-L: Writing Across the Curriculum

Description: The leading list for discussion of writing across the curriculum. To subscribe or unsubscribe (or to do anything else related to managing your subscription to the list), please visit
Subscription Information: To subscribe, send an email message to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.ILLINOIS.EDU.

WAD: Writing Across the Disciplines

Description: Click on "WAD Mailing List" in the Menu.

WCENTER: Writing Centers' Online Discussion Community

Description: The Wcenter listserv, although not affiliated with the International Writing Centers Association, is used by numerous writing center professionals who ask for advice and post research queries and writing center-related announcements to the writing center community. To subscribe to WCENTER, contact Elizabeth Bowen Archive are available at
Subscription Information: To subscribe, send an email message to

WPA-L: Writing Program Administration

Description: Sponsored by the Council of Writing Program Administrators ( Archives Available at: