Brief Description: This tip sheet provides practical methods for helping students self-review their own papers before engaging in peer review.
Contributed by Steven Corbett, Southern Connecticut State University
Strategies for Student Self-Review
An important aspect of peer review and response is trying to make sure students are actually doing as much as they can to self-review their own papers before engaging in peer review.
Carolyn Boiarskyclaims that students, often knowing that their paper will undergo peer review, might be tempted to “simply submit their drafts for review without expending the time required to evaluate and then revise their own work first [...] Peer review remains an important strategy for achieving an effective written text, but safeguards need to be built into the process to ensure that students have engaged in their own reviews and revisions before submitting work to their peers or teachers for review” (53).
Some ways to insure students are self-reviewing before peer reviewing:
Works Cited
Boiarsky, Carolyn R. “Learning to Learn: Helping Students Become Independent Thinkers.” Academic Literacy in the English Classroom: Helping Underprepared and Working Class Students Succeed in College. Ed. Carolyn R. Boiarsky. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 2003.22-26. Print.
Shea, Michael. “Response to Paper #2.” SCSU English 343 Unpublished Assignment. Spring, 2010.
Revision and Assessment Guide
Writer________________ Reviewer_________________Assignment_____________Date___________
CRITERIA(Please write additional commentary on the back of this sheet.) |
1. Is the text on task and written for the proper audience and in the right genre via the assignment sheet? How or how not? |
2. Is there a title? What does it do for the text (or not do)? |
3. Is there a claim orstatement of purpose? Does it seem specific and complicated enough? Why or why not? |
4. Does the writer capture your attention in the introduction? How? Is the purpose of the text clear from the introduction? |
5. Does the writer’s text “flow”? Do all the parts in the text seem to fit together in the best way? Are the paragraphs and ideas of this text interwoven together through quotes, analyses, and cohesive connections? |
6. Do you know WHY each part of the text is there? If not, how can adjustments be made? |
7. What is the conclusion doing? Does it both summarize the text a bit, as well as amplify the claim or purpose of the text, stated in the introduction, a little further or more creatively? |
8. Is It INTERESTING/ and or informative?! Why or why not? |
9. Is the grammar, spelling, and MLA formatting ok? Is language clear with few typos and errors? |