The WAC Clearinghouse

Volume 16, Number 1 (Spring 1997)

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Editors' Column

Retrospection as Prologue, Jeanne Gunner and Gerri McNenny

Class Talk, Gary Tate, John McMillan, and Elizabeth Woodworth

Constructing Teacher Identity in the Basic Writing Classroom, Jacqueline Jones Royster and Rebecca Greenberg Taylor

Writing the Life of Mina P. Shaughnessy, Jane Maher

From Remediation to Enrichment: Evaluating a Mainstreaming Project, Mary Soliday and Barbara Gleason

Theory in the Basic Writing Classroom? A Practice, Victor Villanueva, Jr.

Our Apartheid: Writing Instruction and Inequality, Ira Shor

Cumulative Index for JBW: The First 15 Volumes (1975-1996)

News and Announcements

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