The WAC Clearinghouse

Volume 19, Number 1 (Spring 2000)

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Editors' Column

Basic Writing and the Issue of Correctness, or, What to Do with "Mixed" Forms of Academic Discourse, Patricia Bizzell

Meanness and Failure: Sanctioning Basic Writers, Terence Collins and Melissa Blum

Going Around in Circles: Methodological Issues in Basic Writing Research, William DeGenaro and Edward M. White

Basic Writing, Cost Effectiveness, and Ideology, Keith Gilyard

Expectations, Interpretations and Contributions of Basic Writing, Min-Zhan Lu and Bruce Horner

A Future for the Vanishing Present: New Work for Basic Writing, Susan Miller

The Strategic Value of Basic Writing: An Analysis of the Current Moment, Deborah Mutnick

Basic Work and Material Acts: The Ironies, Discrepancies, and Disjunctures of Basic Writing and Mainstreaming, Judith Rodby and Tom Fox

Illegal Literacy, Ira Shor

How We Have Failed the Basic Writing Enterprise, Lynn Quitman Troyka

News and Announcements

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