The WAC Clearinghouse

Volume 19, Number 2 (Fall 2000)

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Editors' Column

Engaging Students in Writing-To-Learn: Promoting Language and Literacy Across the Curriculum, Vivian Zamel

Basic Writing, CUNY, and "Mainstreaming": (De)Racialization Reconsidered, Steve Lamos

Looking Back, Looking Forward: California Grapples with "Remediation", Mary Kay Crouch and Gerri McNenny

"It's the Way that They Talk to You": Increasing Agency in Basic Writers Through a Social Context of Care, Joan L. Piorkowski and Erika Scheurer

A Method for Describing Basic Writers and Their Writing: Lessons from a Pilot Study, Deborah Rossen-Knill and Kim Lynch

Checking the Grammar Checker: Integrating Grammar Instruction with Writing, Patricia J. McAlexander

Breaking the Block: Basic Writers in the Electronic Classroom, Judith Mara Kish

News and Announcements

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