The WAC Clearinghouse

Volume 1, Number 4 (Spring, Summer 1978)

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What We Know Now and How We Could Know More About Writing Ability in America, by Rexford Brown (pp. 1-6)

Re-Evaluating Evaluating, by Joseph Williams (pp. 7- 17)

Mass Testing of Individual Writing: The California Model, by Edward M. White (pp. 18- 38)

With No Apology: Teaching to the Test, by Rosemary Hake (pp. 39- 62)

The Evolution of One College's Attempt to Evaluate Student Writing, by Roberta S. Matthews (pp. 63- 70)

Measuring Growth in College Writing, by Elizabeth Metzger (pp. 71- 81)

Evaluation: The Process for Revision, by Muriel Harris (pp. 82- 90)

Selected Bibliography of Writings on the Evaluation of Students' Achievements in Composition, by Richard L. Larson (pp. 91- 100)

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