The WAC Clearinghouse

Volume 2, Number 2 (Spring, Summer 1979)

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Introduction, Barbara Quint Gray (pp. 3- 5)

Writing Face to Face, Paula Johnson (pp. 7- 18)

The Comp-Lab Writing Program: An Experimental Basic Writing Course, Mary Epes, Carolyn Kirkpatrick, Michael G. Southwell (pp. 19- 37)

Anatomy of a Basic Writing Program, Andrea L. Lunsford, Sara Garnes (pp. 38- 51)

Doors English - The Cognitive Basis of Rhetorical Models, Karl K. Taylor (pp. 52- 66)

The Writing Segment of an Intensive Program for Students of English as a Second Language, Mary Newton Bruder and Patricia R. Furey (pp. 67- 84)

Teaching Basic Writing: An Alternative to Basic Skills, David Bartholomae (pp. 85-109)

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