The WAC Clearinghouse

Volume 2, Number 4 (Fall, Winter 1979)

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The Uses - and Limits - of Grammar, Sarah D'Eloia (pp. 1-21)

Cinderella to Hercules: Demythologizing Writing Across the Curriculum, Elaine P. Maimon (pp. 3- 11)

Notes Toward Writing Across the Curriculum: Some Collaborative Efforts, Janis Forman (pp. 12- 21)

Writing Instruction Across the Curriculum: Two Programs, Martha Nochimson (pp. 22- 35)

An Approach to Integrating Writing into a History Course, Anita Brostoff, Barry K. Beyer (pp. 36- 52)

The In-Course Writing Workshop in a Program of Writing Across the Curriculum, Jeff D. Reiff (pp. 53- 61)

Sound and Sense: Writing About Music, Robert DiYanni (pp. 62 -71)

Art and the Written Word, Ruth Thaler (pp. 72- 81)

Writing About the Law: A Composition Course for Pre-Law Students, Kate Ferguson Hirsh (pp. 82- 94)

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