The WAC Clearinghouse

Volume 3, Number 2 (Spring, Summer 1981)
Training Teachers of Basic Writing Part I

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Introduction, Sarah D'Eloia (pp. 1- 3)

Preparing the Teacher of Writing, Harvey S. Wiener (pp. 5- 13)

The Doctorate Program in Composition at Wayne State University, John Brereton (pp. 14- 22)

Graduate Programs for Teachers of Basic Writing: The University of Louisville's Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Composition, Joseph Comprone (pp. 23- 45)

Training Basic Writing Teachers at a Liberal Arts College, Richard C. Gebhardt (pp. 46- 63)

A Model for Teacher Programs in the Field of Writing Training, Charles Moran (pp. 64- 78)

Creating Communities of Writers: The Experience of the Queens English Project, Donald McQuade and Marie Ponsot (pp. 79- 89)

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