The WAC Clearinghouse

Volume 3, Number 4 (Spring, Summer 1984)
Training Teachers of Basic Writing Part II

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Introduction, Sarah D'Eloia Fortune (pp. 1- 3)

Preparing the Ideal Teacher of Basic Writing, Sara Garnes (pp. 4- 13)

Recruiting, Training, and Supporting Volunteer Basic Writing Instructors: A Working Program, Christopher Burnham (pp. 14- 27)

The Socialization of Writing Teachers, Lil Brannon and Gordon Pradl (pp. 28- 37)

Writing as Learning for Basic Writing Teachers and Their Students, Lou Kelly (pp. 38- 54)

Sensitizing Beginning Teachers of Writing, Irvin Y. Hashimoto (pp. 55- 62)

Training and Evaluating Traditional and Non- Traditional Instructors of Composition, Betsy E. Brown and John T. Harwood (pp. 63- 73)

Notes and Strategies

Choosing Your Doctoral Program, Patrick Hartwell (p. 74)

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