The WAC Clearinghouse

Volume 4, Number 2 (Spring 1985)

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Preview for 1986, Lynn Quitman Troyka

Introduction, Sarah D'Eloia Fortune

A Cognitive Approach to Teaching the Developmental Student, Anna Berg and Gerald Coleman

Integrating Social, Moral, and Cognitive Developmental Theory: Implications of James Fowler's Epistemological Paradigm for Basic Writers, Joan M. Elifson and Katharine R. Stone

Applications of Self-Regulating Speech in the Basic Writing Program, Annette Bradford

Reading, Listening, Writing: An Integrated Approach to Teaching Exposition, David Rankin

Dyslexia: An Overview, Frank Parker

College Composition: Recognizing the Learning Disabled Writer, Amy Richards

Spelling Inventory, Chopeta Lyons

News and Announcements

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