The WAC Clearinghouse

Volume 6, Number 2 (Spring 1987)

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Editor's Column

Attitude as it Affects Developmental Writers' Essays, Willa Wolcott and Dianne Buhr

Using Pooled Judgments to Develop Tests of Basic Writing, Jon Jonz

Transformational-Generative Syntax and the Teaching of Sentence Mechanics, Rei R. Noguchi

Patterns and Possibilities for Basic Writers, Janet R. Gilbert

Freedom to Writer—Through Imitation, Donna Gorrell

Obstacles and Opportunities: Sentence Combining in Advanced ESL, Jean Sanborn

Using a Spelling Survey to Develop Basic Writers' Linquistic Awareness: A Response to Ann B. Dobie, Kristine F. Anderson

Reconsidering Cognition and the Basic Writer: A Response to Myra Kogen, Joseph G. R. Martinez and Nancy C. Martinez

News and Announcements

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