Transforming WAC through a Discourse-Based Approach to University Outcomes Assessment, by John C. Bean, David Carrithers, & Theresa Earenfight, Seattle University
Why So Many Bright Students and So Many Dull Papers?: Peer-Responded Journals as a Partial Solution to the Problem of the Fake Audience, by George Gopen, Duke University
Claiming Research: Students as "Citizen-Experts" in WAC-Oriented Composition, by Michelle Sidler, Auburn University
Making the Connection: A "Lived History" Assignment in an Upper-Division German Course, by Lisa Jennings, Valparaiso University
The Tallest WAC Expert in North America: An Interview with Bill Condon, by Carol Rutz, Carleton College
Dangerous Partnerships: How Competence Testing Can Sabotage WAC, by Doug Brent, University of Calgary
WAC Practices at the Secondary Level in Germany, by Melinda Reichelt, University of Toledo
Note Taking and Learning: A Summary of Research, by Françoise Boch, Stendhal University, & Annie Piolat, University of Provence
Outcomes from The Outcomes Book, by Jacob S Blumner, Eastern Michigan University
This volume is available in whole and in part in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF).