A National Journal for Writing Across the Curriculum
Letter from the Editor and the Editorial Board Seeking Funding to Continue
The Intradisciplinary Influence of Composition and WAC, Part Two: 1967-1986, Chris M. Anson, North Carolina State University, and Karla Lyles, Georgia Southern University
Preparing Faculty, Professionalizing Fellows: Keys to Success with Undergraduate Writing Fellows in WAC, Emily Hall and Bradley Hughes, University of Wisconsin-Madison
What Difference Do Writing Fellows Programs Make?, Dara Rossman Regaignon and Pamela Bromley, Pomona College
Genre Awareness, Academic Argument, and Transferability, Irene L. Clark and Andrea Hernandez, California State University, Northridge
Using Grounded Theory in Writing Assessment, Todd Migliaccio and Dan Melzer, California State University, Sacramento
Building Better Bridges: What Makes High School-College WAC Collaborations Work?, Jacob Blumner, University of Michigan-Flint, and Pamela Childers, The McCallie School
Interview: A WAC Teacher and Advocate: An Interview with Rita Malenczyk, Eastern Connecticut State, Carol Rutz, Carleton College
This volume is available in whole and in part in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF).