A National Journal for Writing Across the Curriculum
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Changing Research Practices and Access: The Research Exchange Index, Jenn Fishman & Joan Mullin
Crossing the Measurement and Writing Assessment Divide: The Practical Implications of Inter-Rater Reliability in Faculty Development, Jennifer Good
Articulating Claims and Presenting Evidence: A Study of Twelve Student Writers, From First-Year Composition to Writing Across the Curriculum, J. Paul Johnson & Ethan Krase
From High School to College: Developing Writing Skills in the Disciplines, Virginia Crank
Spectators at Their Own Future: Creative Writing Assignments in the Disciplines and the Fostering of Critical Thinking, Alexandria Peary
Interview: Joe Harris: Teaching Writing Via the Liberal Arts, Carol Rutz
Review: Writing in Knowledge Societies, edited by Doreen Starke-Meyerring, Anthony Paré, Natasha Artemeva, Miriam Horne, and Larissa Yousoubova, Mya Poe
This volume is available in whole and in part in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF).