A National Journal for Writing Across the Curriculum
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Evolutionary Metaphors for Understanding WAC/WID, Laura Brady
Connecting WID and the Writing Center: Tools for Collaboration, Heather M. Robinson and Jonathan Hall
WAC/WID Meets CXC/CID: A Dialog between Writing Studies and Communication Studies, Denise Ann Vrchota and David R. Russell
Multidisciplinarity and the Tablet: A Study of Writing Practices, Jennifer Ahern-Dodson and Denise K. Comer
Committed to WAC: Christopher Thaiss, by Carol Rutz
Conversations in Process: An Observational Report on WAC in China, Martha A. Townsend and Terry Myers Zawacki
Review: Introducing Writing Across the Curriculum into China: Feasibility and Adaptation by Dan Wu, Reviewed by Mya Poe
This volume is available in whole and in part in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF).