Further International Studies in Genre

Following the fifth International Symposium on Text Genre Studies (SIGET V) held on the campus of Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Brazil in 2009, three peer-reviewed, open-access journals published special issues of selected articles from the conference on various topics in genre.

The Revista Brasileira de Linguistica Aplicada presented articles concerning genre in primary, secondary, and tertiary education. Linguagem em (Dis)Curso selected articles concerned with genres in various professions and public spheres. Revista Signos focused on the intersection of genre and media/multi-media.

These special issues serve as an update and continuation of the spirit of the volume Genre in a Changing World, which contains work adapted from presentations at the Fourth International Symposium on Text Genre Studies. We present links to the journals and articles here to make them available to those who were interested in the earlier book. The articles are multi-lingual, as was the symposium. Each article is accompanied by abstracts in English and Portugese (and in most cases in Spanish as well).

View the special issue of Linguagem em (Dis)Curso
View the special issue of Revista Brasileira
de Linguistica Aplicada
Revista Signos
View the special issue
of Revista Signos