The WAC Clearinghouse

Volume 15, September 2004

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WAC and Beyond: An Interview with Chris Anson, by Carol Rutz

WAC Techniques and Applications

A Shared Focus for WAC, Writing Tutors and EAP: Identifying the "Academic Purposes" in Writing Across the Curriculum, by Kate Chanock

Writing to Connect through Paired Courses, by Daniel F. Collins

WAC International

Orality and Writing: Conducting a Writing Exercise in Kenya, by Jeanne Dubino

WAC Program Strategies

WAC Directors and the Politics of Grading, by Robert W. McEachern


Review of Kathleen Walsh Piper's Image to Word: Art and Creative Writing, by Ellen B. Cutler

Review of Mark L. Waldo's Demythologizing Language Difference in the Academy: Establishing Discipline-Based Writing Programs, by Jacob S Blumner

Notes on Contributors

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